ID3 Processing Library
DescriptionThe ID3 Processing library allows you read the ID3v1.1 tags from MP3 files. If you want to know more about ID3 tags check the page. Usageimport jorgecardoso.processing.id3.*; Download and InstallJust download the file and unpack it to the "libraries" folder of your Processing installation folder. Your "libraries" folder should look something like this: libraries JavadocThis is almost unnecessary, but here are the javadocs of the ID3 library anyway :) You can also take a look at the source code (it's only one java file). Contact (bug reports, comments, etc)If you use this library in a project, drop me a line. I like to know this stuff, and I'll link to your project's website. Also if you find a bug or need help, let me know. Jorge Cardoso Last updated:January 31, 2011 |