

Developed by Rita Gradim, Cubesic is a tangible interface for creating musical playlists from your iTunes library. It uses a Rubik's cube and computer vision to create a playlist based on the color pattern of the cube's face. Developed in the Tangible Interfaces course of the 1st year of the Sound and Image master.

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Vestir a Calçada


In the Generative Design class of the Digital Design postgraduate program, Mário Campos created a tool to be used by customers to personalize their t-shirt with graphics inspired in the Portuguese "Calçada" ...

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BCI for webpages


What if brain-computer interfaces where mainstream devices used daily, how could we adapt webpages to this new input? This was the question posed by Eduardo, which he answered with braistorming sessions and proof-of-concept web applications...

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Powerless is an interactive installation by Bernardo Braga, Bruno Santos, and Rita Gradim that puts the visitor in a fearfull and stressfull Saw-like situation. Visitors are faced with three questions that they have to answer in order to be able to exit. Failing one question triggers a penalty...

Youtube video 1 »



Obsoletum is an interactive installation by Armando Freitas, Guilherme Mesquita, and Nuno Meneses that provides a future museum like experience. It uses a multitouch table capable of recognizing the objects that are put on top. Visitors pick up an object, put it on top of the table and listen to the history of the object, told by a sarcastic computer.

Youtube video 1 »

Little Endian


Developed by João Almeida and José Henriques, Little Endian is prototype system for interacting with a digital audio workstation through the user's position in a room and gestures. It uses a Vicon Motion Capture system to determine the user's position and gestures and sends Midi commands to ProTools.

Youtube video 1 » Youtube video 2 »



Developed by Gisela Nunes, oxHIT is a generative art project that combines audio and visuals. The audio is generated via MIDI and the interaction can be accomplished through a multi-touch table. Developed for the Generative Design course of the Digital Design degree of the School of Arts.

Project web page » Youtube video 1 » Youtube video 2»



Developed by Jorge Coutinho, Pom is an interactive installation inspired by Pong (Atari, Inc. , 1972). The original purpose and rules were maintained - avoid missing the ball for points - but the gameplay has been improved. Pom can be played by up to six players using smartphones!

Project web page » Behance » Blog post »

Show Dot Some Love


Developed by Jorge Coutinho, SDSL is an interactive video installation that uses the DiABlu System to detect presence. The project was implemented using Processing, as a project for the Multimedia Programming class. Basically, it represents people (their Bluetooth devices) as spheres on a screen. These spheres are all attracted to another special sphere: Dot.

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Developed by João Cordeiro, Nulltidão is an interactive video installation that uses the DiABlu System to detect presence and remove parts of a live image depending on the number of present Bluetooth devices. The project was implemented using Processing, as a project for the Multimedia Programming class.



Picture from UP journal. Developed by Daniel Santos and João Rêma, X-Fetch is a city-wide peddy-paper-like game, where players have to discover a set of clues spread across the city (Porto) using a mobile device that plays videos pointing to next clues and that tracks players GPS locations.

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